Little Joe | LJ-5

Little Joe | LJ-5

Launch Area 1
Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia, USA













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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. NASA have many launch facilities but most are inactive. The most commonly used pad will be LC-39B at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.



Suborbital test flight of the Mercury spacecraft, conducted as part of the U.S. Mercury program. The objective was to test a production Mercury capsule and the launch escape system during an ascent abort at maximum dynamic pressure. Sixteen seconds after liftoff, the escape rocket and the tower jettison rocket both fired prematurely. Furthermore, the booster, capsule, and escape tower failed to separate as intended. The entire stack was destroyed on impact with the Atlantic Ocean.

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Mercury No.3

Serial 3

Launch Crew Count 0

Status Destroyed

Landing Time 1960-11-08T15:20:00+0000


Little Joe

Height 17.00 Meters

Max Stages 1

Mass To GTO 0 kg

Liftoff Thrust 0 kN

Diameter 0.00 Meters

Mass To LEO 0 kg

Liftoff Mass 0 Tonnes

Launch Success 3

Consecutive Success 1

Maiden Flight 1959-08-21

Launch Failures 5




Project Mercury was the first human spaceflight program of the United States, running from 1958 through 1963.

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