STS-99 was a Space Shuttle mission using Endeavour, that launched on 11 February 2000 from Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The primary objective of the mission was the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) project. This was also the last solo flight of Endeavour; all future flights for Endeavour became devoted to the International Space Station.
Serial OV-105
Launch Crew Count 6
Status Retired
Landing Time 2000-02-22T23:23:00+0000
Nationality American
Date Of Birth 1956-09-16
Status Retired
Type Government
Nationality American
Date Of Birth 1957-05-02
Status Retired
Type Government
Nationality German
Date Of Birth 1953-09-02
Status Retired
Type Government
Nationality American
Date Of Birth 1959-07-17
Status Retired
Type Government
Nationality American
Date Of Birth 1956-10-08
Deceased 2012-02-06
Status Deceased
Type Government
Nationality Japanese
Date Of Birth 1948-01-29
Status Retired
Type Government
Height 56.10 Meters
Max Stages 2
Mass To GTO 0 kg
Liftoff Thrust 28200 kN
Diameter 8.00 Meters
Mass To LEO 27500 kg
Liftoff Mass 2030 Tonnes
Launch Success 133
Consecutive Success 22
Maiden Flight 1981-04-12
Launch Failures 2
The Space Shuttle program was the fourth human spaceflight program carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which accomplished routine transportation for Earth-to-orbit crew and cargo from 1981 to 2011.