Atlas V N22 | CST-100 Starliner Orbital Flight Test

Atlas V N22 | CST-100 Starliner Orbital Flight Test

Space Launch Complex 41
Cape Canaveral, FL, USA













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United Launch Alliance

United Launch Alliance (ULA) is a joint venture of Lockheed Martin Space Systems and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. ULA was formed in December 2006 by combining the teams at these companies which provide spacecraft launch services to the government of the United States. ULA launches from both coasts of the US. They launch their Atlas V vehicle from LC-41 in Cape Canaveral and LC-3E at Vandeberg. Their Delta IV launches from LC-37 at Cape Canaveral and LC-6 at Vandenberg.


CST-100 Starliner Orbital Flight Test

This is the first test flight of Starliner spacecraft to the International Space Station. Although Atlas V and Centaur upper stage successfully put Starliner into planned trajectory, the spacecraft was unable to perform a nominal orbital insertion. Preliminary analysis indicate that Mission Elapsed Time (MET) system error led to Starliner burning more fuel than expected. Spacecraft is healthy and in stable orbit, but won't be able to reach and dock with ISS. Landing at White Sands Facility is planned on Dec 22.

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Starliner Calypso

Serial 3

Launch Crew Count 1

Status Active

Landing Time 2019-12-22T12:58:53+0000



Rosie the Astronaut

Anthropomorphic Test Device

Nationality Earthling

Date Of Birth 2019-11-01

Status Active

Type Non-Human

Atlas V N22

Height 58.00 Meters

Max Stages 2

Mass To GTO 0 kg

Liftoff Thrust 0 kN

Diameter 3.80 Meters

Mass To LEO 13034 kg

Liftoff Mass 0 Tonnes

Launch Success 3

Consecutive Success 3

Maiden Flight 2019-12-20

Launch Failures 0



Commercial Crew Program

The Commercial Crew Program (CCP) is a human spaceflight program operated by NASA, in association with American aerospace manufacturers Boeing and SpaceX. The program conducts rotations between the expeditions of the International Space Station program, transporting crews to and from the International Space Station (ISS) aboard Boeing Starliner and SpaceX Crew Dragon capsules, in the first crewed orbital spaceflights operated by private companies.

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