Minotaur I | JAWSAT & FalconSat 1

Minotaur I | JAWSAT & FalconSat 1

Space Launch Complex 8
Vandenberg SFB, CA, USA













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Orbital Sciences Corporation


JAWSAT & FalconSat 1

The JAWSAT (Joint Air Force Academy / Weber State University Satellite) project was developed by students working alongside aerospace professionals. Initially designed with a pulsed-plasma thruster to train Air Force Academy cadets (see JAWSAT), the mission has since evolved to include the efforts of several universities, local aerospace companies, the Air Force Academy, the Air Force Research Laboratory, and NASA. Utilizing breakthrough technologies, JAWSAT deployed four satellites when it reached orbit. The onboard imaging system recorded the deployment of each payload with its six digital cameras. The first free-flying Academy satellite, FalconSat-1 carried the CHAWS (Charging Hazards and Wake Studies) experiment developed by the Physics Department at the Academy.

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Minotaur I

Height 19.21 Meters

Max Stages 5

Mass To GTO 0 kg

Liftoff Thrust 935 kN

Diameter 1.67 Meters

Mass To LEO 580 kg

Liftoff Mass 36 Tonnes

Launch Success 12

Consecutive Success 12

Maiden Flight 2000-01-27

Launch Failures 0

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