Proton-M Briz-M | AsiaSat 9

Proton-M Briz-M | AsiaSat 9

200/39 (200L)
Baikonur Cosmodrome, Republic of Kazakhstan













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International Launch Services

International Launch Services, Inc. (ILS) is a joint venture with exclusive rights to the worldwide sale of commercial Angara and Proton rocket launch services. Proton launches take place at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan while Angara is planned to launch from the Plesetsk and Vostochny Cosmodromes in Russia.


AsiaSat 9

AsiaSat 9 is AsiaSat’s next generation satellite to replace AsiaSat 4 at 122 degrees East Longitude. AsiaSat 9 is a Space Systems/Loral 1300E satellite equipped with 28 C-band and 32 Ku-band transponders, and a Ka-band payload. AsiaSat 9 will provide additional capacity, enhanced power and coverage for DTH, video distribution, private networks and broadband services across the Asia-Pacific region.

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Proton-M Briz-M

Height 53.00 Meters

Max Stages 4

Mass To GTO 4500 kg

Liftoff Thrust 10000 kN

Diameter 7.40 Meters

Mass To LEO 21000 kg

Liftoff Mass 712 Tonnes

Launch Success 62

Consecutive Success 19

Maiden Flight 2001-04-07

Launch Failures 6

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