Commercial Lunar Payload Services

Commercial Lunar Payload Services

Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) is a NASA program to contract transportation services able to send small robotic landers and rovers to the Moon's south polar region.


Related Agencies

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. NASA have many launch facilities but most are inactive. The most commonly used pad will be LC-39B at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


Intuitive Machines

Intuitive Machines, Inc. is aAmerican company headquartered in Houston, Texas. The company is completing its lunar program which will provide lunar surface access, lunar orbit delivery, and communications at lunar distance.


Astrobotic Technology

Astrobotic Technology is an American private company that is developing space robotics technology for lunar and planetary missions.


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Vulcan VC2S | Peregrine lunar lander (Maiden flight)

United Launch Alliance
Cape Canaveral SFS, FL, USA
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Falcon 9 Block 5 | Nova-C IM-1

Kennedy Space Center, FL, USA
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Related Events

CLPS Astrobotic "What's on Board" Teleconference


NASA will host a What’s on Board media teleconference to discuss the science payloads flying aboard the first commercial robotic flight to the lunar surface as part of the agency’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative under the Artemis program. Briefing participants include: - Joel Kearns, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters - Ryan Watkins, program scientist, NASA Headquarters - Chris Culbert, project manager, CLPS, NASA Johnson - John Thornton, CEO, Astrobotic, Pittsburgh

Peregrine Science Media Briefing


NASA will host a Science Briefing with the following participants: - Paul Niles, CLPS project scientist, NASA - Chris Culbert, CLPS program manager, NASA - Nic Stoffle, science and operations lead for Linear Energy Transfer Spectrometer, NASA - Anthony Colaprete, Near-Infrared Volatile Spectrometer System, NASA - Richard Elphic, Neutron Spectrometer System, NASA - Barbara Cohen, Peregrine Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometer, NASA - Daniel Cremons, Laser Retroreflector, NASA - Niki Werkheiser, director, Technology Maturation, NASA

ULA Vulcan Rocket Rollout


United Launch Alliance is rolling out their Vulcan Centaur rocket for it´s first flight.

Lunar Delivery Readiness Media Teleconference


NASA will host a teleconference with the following participants: - Joel Kearns, administrator for Exploration, Science Mission Directorate, NASA - Ryan Watkins,Exploration Science Strategy and Integration Office, NASA - John Thornton, CEO, Astrobotic - Gary Wentz, vice president, Government and Commercial Programs, ULA - Arlena Moses, launch weather officer, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station’s 45th Weather Squadron

Peregrine Mission One Status Teleconference


Astrobotic will hold a media teleconference to discuss updates on their Peregrine Mission One, which is carrying payloads as part of NASA0s Commercial Lunar Provider Services (CLPS) initiative.

Nova-C IM-1 Science Media Teleconference


NASA will host a media teleconference, to discuss its science and technology demonstrations flying aboard Intuitive Machines’ first flight to the Moon as part of the agency’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative and Artemis campaign. Briefing participants include: - Joel Kearns, deputy associate administrator for exploration, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters - Debra Needham, program scientist, Exploration Science Strategy and Integration Office, NASA Headquarters - Chris Culbert, program manager, CLPS, NASA Johnson Space Center - Trent Martin, vice president, Space Systems, Intuitive Machines

Nova-C IM-1 Science Media Teleconference #2


NASA will hold a science media teleconference with the following participants: - Susan Lederer, CLPS project scientist, NASA’s Johnson Space Center - Farzin Amzajerdian, principal investigator, Navigation Doppler Lidar, NASA’s Langley Research Center - Tamara Statham, co-principal investigator, Lunar Node-1, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center - Daniel Cremons, deputy principal investigator, Laser Retro-Reflector Array, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center - Nat Gopalswamy, principal investigator, Radio Observations of the Lunar Surface Photoelectron Sheath, NASA Goddard - Michelle Munk, principal investigator, Stereo Camera for Lunar Plume-Surface Studies, NASA Langley - Lauren Ameen, deputy project manager, Radio Frequency Mass Gauge, NASA’s Glenn Research Center

Nova-C IM-1 Lunar Delivery Readiness Teleconference


NASA will hold a lunar delivery readiness media teleconference with the following participants: - Joel Kearns, deputy associate administrator for Exploration, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters - Debra Needham, program scientist, Exploration Science Strategy and Integration Office, NASA Headquarters - Trent Martin, vice president, Space Systems, Intuitive Machines - William Gerstenmaier, vice president, Build and Flight Reliability, SpaceX - Arlena Moses, launch weather officer, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station’s 45th Weather Squadron

Nova-C IM-1 Lunar Landing


Intuitive Machines Nova-C IM-1 lunar lander will attempt to land on the surface of the Moon.

Nova-C IM-1 Post Landing Media Teleconference


NASA and Intuitive Machines will host a televised news conference at 5 p.m. EST Friday, Feb. 23, to detail the Odysseus lander’s historic soft Moon landing. Participants in the news conference include: - Joel Kearns, Exploration, Science Mission Directorate - Prasun Desai, Space Technology Mission Directorate - Steve Altemus, CEO, Intuitive Machines - Tim Crain, CTO , Intuitive Machines

Nova-C IM-1 News Conference


NASA and Intuitive Machines will host a news conference following the conclusion of the IM-1 mission. Participants in the news conference include: - Joel Kearns, deputy associate administrator, Exploration, Science Mission Directorate, NASA - Sue Lederer, CLPS project scientist, NASA - Steve Altemus,CEO, Intuitive Machines - Tim Crain, CTO, Intuitive Machines

NASA CLPS Firefly Blue Ghost Mission 1 Teleconference


NASA will host a media teleconference to discuss the agency science and technology flying aboard Firefly Aerospace’s first delivery to the Moon as part of the NASA’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative and Artemis campaign. Briefing participants include Joel Kearns, deputy associate administrator for exploration, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters; Ryan Watkins, program scientist, Exploration Science Strategy and Integration Office, NASA Headquarters; Jason Kim, chief executive officer, Firefly Aerospace.

Firefly Blue Ghost Mission 1 Lunar Science Media Teleconference


Lunar science media teleconference with the following participants: - Chris Culbert, CLPS program manager, NASA’s Johnson Space Center - Maria Banks, CLPS project scientist, NASA’s Johnson Space Center

Lunar Delivery Readiness for Firefly’s Blue Ghost Mission 1 Media Teleconference


Lunar delivery readiness media teleconference with the following participants: • Nicola Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters • Jason Kim, CEO, Firefly Aerospace • Julianna Scheiman, director, NASA science missions, SpaceX • Mark Burger, launch weather officer, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station’s 45th Weather Squadron

Nova-C IM-2 Science Media Teleconference


NASA will host a media teleconference to discuss the agency’s science and technology flying aboard Intuitive Machines’ second flight to the Moon. The mission is part of NASA’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative and Artemis campaign to establish a long-term lunar presence. Briefing participants include: - Nicky Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters - Niki Werkheiser, director, technology maturation, Space Technology Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters - Trent Martin, senior vice president, space systems, Intuitive Machines

Nova-C IM-2 Lunar Science & Tech media teleconference


NASA will host a media teleconference to discuss the agency’s science and technology flying aboard Intuitive Machines’ second flight to the Moon. The mission is part of NASA’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative and Artemis campaign to establish a long-term lunar presence. Briefing participants include: - Joel Kearns, deputy associate administration for exploration, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters - Niki Werkheiser, director, technology maturation, Space Technology Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters - Jackie Quinn, PRIME-1 principal investigator, NASA Kennedy Space Center - Daniel Cremons, LRA deputy principal investigator, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Bethany Ehlmann, Lunar Trailblazer principal investigator, CalTech University - Trent Martin, senior vice president, space systems, Intuitive Machines - Thierry Klein, President of Bell Labs Solution Research, Nokia

Nova-C IM-2 Lunar Landing


The Intuitive Machines Nova-C IM-2 lunar lander will attempt to land on the surface of the Moon.

Nova-C IM-2 Lunar Landing News Conference


NASA and Intuitive Machines will host a news conference to discuss the mission, technology demonstrations, and science opportunities that lie ahead as they begin lunar surface operations.

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